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Hi Doc,
I suspect you have many patients suffering from idiopathic TMD and struggle to find a solution. In addition to the disorder itself, I could only imagine how frustrating it is for you to be limited with how much a patient can open their mouth to receive other treatments and remain comfortable during a procedure. As you well know, dentition usually is not the issue, and no internal derangement of the TM joint exists. The condition is often a result of general muscular stress in the surrounding regions, clenching while sleeping causing which results in misalignment of the jaw itself and/or upper cervical spine.
Through my 25 years of practice, I have developed a variety of approaches to help this condition, proudly with great success! Frequently my methods will involve co-management with physical or massage therapist as well as oral surgeons, orthodontists, and general dental practitioners. Other techniques employed are: exercises, ergonomic, relaxation techniques, and lifestyle modifications.
I would be happy to arrange a meeting with you and your staff to discuss anything related to this topic further. Thanks for taking the time to consider this TMJ co-management relationship. I look forward to helping you and your patients.
Dr. Stephen M. Estner
Chiropractic Physician
Estner Injury Centers Founder
RIDOH Chiropractic Board Chairman
NBCE RI Delegate
FCLB RI Delegate
Estner Injury Centers was founded in 2001 and since then, we’ve expanded to four locations throughout Rhode Island. We treat many sources of pain and offer a suite of therapies to help our patients accelerate recovery.
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