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An Open Letter To Dentists About TMJ

Estner Injury Centers • August 10, 2023


An Open Letter To Dentists About TMJ

Hi Doc,

I suspect you have many patients suffering from idiopathic TMD and struggle to find a solution. In addition to the disorder itself, I could only imagine how frustrating it is for you to be limited with how much a patient can open their mouth to receive other treatments and remain comfortable during a procedure. As you well know, dentition usually is not the issue, and no internal derangement of the TM joint exists. The condition is often a result of general muscular stress in the surrounding regions, clenching while sleeping causing which results in misalignment of the jaw itself and/or upper cervical spine.

Through my 25 years of practice, I have developed a variety of approaches to help this condition, proudly with great success! Frequently my methods will involve co-management with physical or massage therapist as well as oral surgeons, orthodontists, and general dental practitioners. Other techniques employed are: exercises, ergonomic, relaxation techniques, and lifestyle modifications.

I would be happy to arrange a meeting with you and your staff to discuss anything related to this topic further. Thanks for taking the time to consider this TMJ co-management relationship. I look forward to helping you and your patients.



Dr. Stephen M. Estner

Chiropractic Physician

Estner Injury Centers Founder

RIDOH Chiropractic Board Chairman

NBCE RI Delegate

FCLB RI Delegate

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