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Study Case 3 | Estner Injury Centers

Estner Injury Centers • March 12, 2024


Study Case 3 | Estner Injury Centers

The Condition: Left Side lower back pain only with activity

The History: 67-year-old male presents with one year history of left lower back pain nonradiating. He stated that he is uncertain how it began. He states that he does not have pain when he is not moving. Activities such as going up and down stairs will aggravate the condition. He has tried physical therapy and consulted on three occasions within orthopedist. An MRI was conducted and it was advised he undergo cortisone injection but decided to try chiropractic first.

The Evaluation:

Left Sacroiliac dysfunction due to weak core musculature and excessively tight hamstrings

The Treatment:

Over the course of eight weeks, the patient has undergone repetitive adjustments to the SI joint and sacrum. PNF stretching of the hamstrings (stretching using a breathing and muscle contraction method to achieve a deeper stretch) was conducted on every visit. The patient conducted core exercises at home including planks and abdominal work. A heel lift of 1/8” was inserted in his shoe. 

The result:

The patient achieved full resolution and is diligent about his home exercises and stretching routine. He still attend to the facility to get check and sometimes he doesn’t even need an adjustment ( and we don’t charge him the visit fee)

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