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Very few people consider the fact that your spine upholds and maintains the health and posture of your entire body. The first thing people look at when they have back pain is something wrong with the spine, when very often chronic back pain is an indicator that there is something else going on in the body that is interfering with the maintenance of full body health, and the pain is just a by-product.
One very prominent issue that can contribute substantially to back pain, is excess weight. Carrying a few extra pounds is not the same as being overweight. Overweight persons place themselves at greater risk for developing many kinds of illnesses such as: disc herniation, hardening of the ligaments, spinal arthritis, and open themselves to greater risk for back surgery.
In these cases, losing weight becomes much less of a vanity issue, and much more a way to eliminate or decrease the incidence of further problems, and stop the chronic back or neck pain as well. A quick determination of your body weight using the body fat index will reveal whether you need to lose a few pounds. A visit to an Estner Chiropractic office in RI however, will not only determine whether the pain you are experiencing is coming from being overweight, but will also help you determine the best course of treatment to alleviate it.
Estner Injury Centers was founded in 2001 and since then, we’ve expanded to four locations throughout Rhode Island. We treat many sources of pain and offer a suite of therapies to help our patients accelerate recovery.
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