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What to Do When Your Hip Feels Out of Place

November 21, 2022


What to Do When Your Hip Feels Out of Place

Why does my hip feel like it needs to pop? If it feels like hip is out of place, you understand just how frustrating it can be. You may have a difficult time walking, stairs might be a major challenge, and you might even have a hard time getting out of bed in the morning. If your hip feels like it needs to pop, you need to work with a chiropractor who can help you.

Is my hip out of place? Take a look at several important points below, and do not hesitate to reach out to us to make an appointment. At Estner Injury Centers, we are here to help you.

Hips Out of Place: What Does This Feel Like?

Can you pop your hip out of place? This would be highly unusual, but it is important for you to understand what it feels like. In general, you may feel like something isn't quite right around your hip area. For example, you may feel like you have a bit more mobility in your hip than you usually do, and you might feel like you are off-balance when you are walking. You may also experience some discomfort, pain, or stiffness in the area.

If your head isn't functioning as it should, it can make walking, sitting, and standing very uncomfortable. You may even feel like there is a cracking or popping sound when you move. If you feel like nothing you are doing is putting your hip back in place, you need to reach out to a professional who can help you.

Is a Hip Dislocation The Same as a Hip Out of Place?

If your hip feels out of place, you may feel like you have dislocated your hip. On the other hand, a hip dislocation is highly unusual. If you truly dislocated your hip, you would not be able to move at all. Typically, a hip dislocation is an acute injury that accompanies a traumatic accident. For example, you might be ejected from a motor vehicle, or you might have suffered a severe injury while playing contact sports. A hip dislocation means that the head of your femur is no longer in the hip socket at all. The pain would be absolutely excruciating, so it is highly unlikely that you have dislocated your hip.

On the other hand, if you have mild hip instability, it might make it easier for you to dislocate your head. That is why it is important for you to address this issue as quickly as possible.

How Do You Address Hip Instability?

So, if you have hip instability, what do you need to do? If you feel unstable when you walk, you need to reach out to your chiropractor as quickly as possible. You may want to start by taking some over-the-counter anti-inflammatory medications, which could help with your pain and discomfort. Furthermore, this could address any swelling in the area.

You should try to avoid cracking and popping your hip on your own. If you perform wild motions without the direction of a chiropractor, you could make the injury worse. That is why you need to work with a chiropractor who can perform gentle adjustments and try to make sure everything in your hip joint is properly aligned.

Then, your chiropractor may provide you with some stretches and exercises that can increase the muscle mass around your joint, providing it with a bit more support. Stretches and exercises may increase your stability, improving your mobility in the process. The goal is to keep your hips, knees, and ankles stable. When all of your joints are working together, it can provide you with a solid platform on which you can sit, stand, and walk. Your chiropractor can also help you identify the root cause of your hip instability, addressing the issue to prevent it from returning in the future.

Contact Estner Injury Centers for Help With Hip Cracking and Popping

Your hip is incredibly important for your mobility, and that is why you need to work with a chiropractor who can help you address cracking or popping in your hip. At Estner Injury Centers, we have already helped countless patients address issues with their hips, and we can assist you as well. Our goal is to get to the root cause of your problem before developing a treatment plan to address it. Give us a call today to schedule an appointment with our team!

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