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Most whiplash (sprain/strain) injuries occur from car accidents, specifically rear end collisions. A whiplash injury is the result of the body and neck initially being thrown backwards into the seat and headrest and then lunged forward causing a “whipping” type of motion. In the absence of the head hitting the steering wheel, most of the spinal damage will occur to the ligaments of the neck, joints (capsules), and musculature. The extent of the injury is often not immediate and tends to have an insidious effect over the following few weeks. Commonly symptoms will include: neck stiffness and inability to move the head, pain along the spine, a dull, throbbing headache in the back of the head and frequent tiredness.
In most situations emergency medical professionals will evaluate the condition at the scene. From there, rescue may transport the injured to a local hospital for further evaluation. Typically, x-rays will be conducted the patient will be prescribed medications and then released. If the patient does not attend immediately to the hospital and symptoms persist, it is advisable to be evaluated at an urgent care center or private physician. Once it is determined that there is no severe injury, focus should shift to reducing the inflammation, muscle spasm and restoring normal range of motion and cervical curvature as soon as possible. But, if you had an accident long ago or took another approach and still don’t feel right, it is never too late to try to restore the joints to normal position and improve range of motion.
There are a variety of ways to approach rehabilitation for a sprain/strain injury like whiplash, chiropractors and physical therapists are the most copmmon. So how do you choose one versus the other? Chiropractors see a whiplash injury as a musculoskeletal issue whereas physical therapists will often only focus on the muscular component. The importance of addressing the joint component (skeletal) of the injury through a variety of forms of manipulation has proven to accelerate progress and reduce the likelihood of long-term effects such as degenerative changes to the joints and discs. There are instances where more advanced exercise and/ or myofascial methods are needed, and physical therapy is highly effective and recommended by Estner Injury Centers.
Estner Injury Centers has provided effective, safe, and efficient treatment for whiplash through physiotherapy and chiropractic manipulation for nearly 25 years. Patients who are unfamiliar with the therapies provided initially often comment upon discharge that they are feeling better than they did before the accident. In addition to offering in house treatment, we have an established network of health professionals such as neurologists, pain management, orthopedists, and radiologists to confer with and refer to if the desired goal is not being met. This comprehensive approach has proven its effectiveness consistency over time.
We want you to feel confident that we fully understand what you are experiencing with your whiplash injury and allow us to treat and guide you through the process to restore your health, as if the accident never happened. Feel Better with Estner, you deserve it!!!
Estner Injury Centers was founded in 2001 and since then, we’ve expanded to four locations throughout Rhode Island. We treat many sources of pain and offer a suite of therapies to help our patients accelerate recovery.
Feel Better With Estner
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