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Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

If you feel like you have a difficult time using your wrist, hands, or fingers, there is a chance that you may suffer from carpal tunnel syndrome. Carpal tunnel syndrome can lead to chronic inflammation in the wrist, and it can have a significant impact on your quality of life. Even though you might be tempted to go to the operating room, there are other treatment options available. We are Estner Injury Centers, and we provide comprehensive chiropractor services in Rhode Island. It would be our pleasure to help you treat carpal tunnel syndrome. Learn more about this condition below, and give us a call today to schedule an appointment with our team. 

Comprehensive Approach





What Causes Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?

Carpal tunnel syndrome refers to inflammation of the carpal tunnel, which is located in the wrist. There are several important structures that travel through the carpal tunnel, including the median nerve. The median nerve powers a variety of motor and sensory functions in the hand. In carpal tunnel syndrome, the tunnel becomes inflamed, compressing the median nerve. This can lead to motor and sensory dysfunction of the wrist. 

The main cause of carpal tunnel syndrome is overuse. If you put too much stress on your wrist, you could develop inflammation of the carpal tunnel, leading to various symptoms. Some of the most common causes include excessive typing, playing the piano, and writing excessively. 

What Are the Symptoms of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?

If you have carpal tunnel syndrome, there are a variety of symptoms that you might notice. They include:

  • You may feel like you have pins and needles all over your wrist and hand.
  • When you use your wrist, you may notice shooting, shock-like pains that travel from your forearm into your hand.
  • You may feel like one hand is significantly weaker than the other.
  • You might notice that your range of motion is a bit restricted.

If you are looking for someone who can help you treat carpal tunnel syndrome, it would be our pleasure to assist you.

How Can a Chiropractor Help?

At Estner Injury Centers, we have a variety of treatment options that we can use to help you treat carpal tunnel syndrome. We can check your wrist to see if there are any alignment issues. Misalignment could cause carpal tunnel syndrome to develop. Then, after we ensure all of your ligaments, tendons, and muscles are in the right locations, we can discuss stretches and exercises that you can do to protect your carpal tunnel and minimize information moving forward. We can take a well-rounded approach to the treatment of carpal tunnel syndrome that can minimize complications and side effects. 

Call Estner Injury Centers Today To Make an Appointment for Physiotherapy

Ultimately, a chiropractor in Rhode Island could help you treat carpal tunnel syndrome with various treatment services. At Estner Injury Centers, we have developed a sterling reputation in the local area because we always put the needs of our patients ahead of our own. Now, it would be our pleasure to do the same for you. We have a variety of treatment options that we can use to treat carpal tunnel syndrome, and we can help you recover while minimizing complications and side effects along the way. Contact us today to talk to our team, and make an appointment with a chiropractor from our office! 

Patient Forms

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Imprima estos formularios, llénelos y llévelos a su cita para ahorrar tiempo en la sala de espera.

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