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Electric Stimulation

If you are recovering from an injury, you understand that there might be a few challenges along the way. That is why it is important to develop a comprehensive treatment plan that can address your issues from all directions. We are Estner Injury Centers, and we have plenty of treatment options at our disposal. Electric stimulation from a chiropractor in Rhode Island can help you recover from certain injuries. Learn more about how we can use electric stimulation to help you with the recovery process, and give us a call to schedule an appointment with our team.

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What Is Electric Stimulation Therapy?

Electric stimulation is a specific treatment that can be used in combination with a variety of other chiropractic treatment options. For example, we may use electric stimulation therapy in combination with adjustments. The goal is to stimulate the nerves and individual muscle fibers, preventing atrophy as a part of the recovery process. That way, we can protect and restore strength in an injured body part. If you have suffered an injury, you might not be able to use that body part for a while. This could cause the muscles to slowly atrophy, and we can use electric stimulation to prevent that from happening. 

How Does Electric Stimulation Help With My Recovery?

The goal of electric stimulation is to deliver mild electrical impulses to certain muscle groups. We will attach electrodes to the surface of the skin directly over the muscles that we want to target. Then, using electric stimulation, we can simulate a muscle contraction. This will make your body think that the muscle is being used.

We can also use electric stimulation to block the transmission of pain signals from certain parts of the body to the spine and brain. We can even use electric stimulation to increase the production of endorphins, which play a role in treating pain. 

What Conditions Can Electric Stimulation Treat?

There are several examples of conditions that we can treat using electric stimulation. Some of the most common examples include:

  • If you have suffered a rotator cuff injury, we may be able to use the treatment option to help you.
  • If you have suffered a wrist or forearm injury, electric stimulation could play a role in your treatment plan.
  • Electric stimulation can also be used to help you recover from a motor vehicle accident.
  • If you have suffered a foot or ankle injury, we may be able to use electric stimulation to help you.

At Estner Injury Centers, we always customize our treatment plans to meet the needs of our patients, so reach out to us to learn more about electric stimulation.

Call Estner Injury Centers To Make an Appointment With a Chiropractor in Rhode Island

Electric stimulation could be right for some patients in certain situations. We take every precaution necessary to ensure you are kept safe. At Estner Injury Centers, your safety is our top priority, and we will always explain the features and benefits of each treatment option to you before we move forward. We view you as an important part of our treatment plan, and it would be our pleasure to assist with the recovery process. Contact us today to schedule an appointment with our team, and let us see if electric stimulation is right for you. 

Patient Forms

Print these forms, fill them out and bring them to your appointment to save time in the waiting room.

Basic Health History Work Related Injuries Car Accidents

Imprima estos formularios, llénelos y llévelos a su cita para ahorrar tiempo en la sala de espera.

Registro e Historial Quiropráctico Información Sobre el Vehículo Accidente


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