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Foot Pain and Altered Gait

Are you suffering from foot pain or an altered gait? If so, it is important for you to reach out to a chiropractor in Rhode Island who can help you. We are Estner Injury Centers, and we have plenty of experience working with people who suffer from foot pain, ankle pain, and difficulty walking. We understand that everyone has different reasons for having an altered gait, and we can customize a treatment plan to meet your needs. Learn more about some of the biggest reasons why people consistently rely on our services, and give us a call to schedule an appointment. 

Comprehensive Approach





The Most Common Causes of Foot Pain

At Estner Injury Centers, we understand that it can be frustrating if one or more of your ribs has slipped out of place. There are plenty of reasons why this might happen. Some of the most common reasons include:

  • Sometimes, repetitive motion, such as swimming or throwing the ball, can cause your ribs to move out of place.
  • You may have taken a direct blow to the chest while playing contact sports. Some of the most common examples include football, wrestling, and hockey.
  • You might have been involved in a motor vehicle accident that resulted in a blow to your chest, moving one or more of your ribs out of place.

Regardless of the reason why, you need to rely on a professional who can help you.

How a Chiropractor Can Help You

At Estner Injury Centers, we have several treatment options at our disposal. Our top priority is to identify the root cause of your foot pain. Then, we can build a treatment plan around it. For example, we might be able to use manual therapy to correct the alignment of your bones, ligaments, and tendons. By making sure the individual structures of your foot are properly aligned, we put your body in the best position possible to recover naturally. Then, we may use physical therapy to strengthen some of the surrounding structures in your foot to minimize the chances of an injury coming back. 

Call Estner Injury Centers To Make an Appointment With a Chiropractor in Rhode Island

No matter why you feel like you have foot pain or an altered gait, you need to reach out to a chiropractor in Rhode Island as quickly as possible. The sooner the correct diagnosis is made, the faster you can start the recovery process. At Estner Injury Centers, we use the latest treatment techniques and best practices in our field to help you with the recovery process. Our goal is to eradicate the root cause of your foot pain while also minimizing potential complications and side effects. Contact us today to schedule an appointment, and let us help you recover from foot pain.

Patient Forms

Print these forms, fill them out and bring them to your appointment to save time in the waiting room.

Basic Health History Work Related Injuries Car Accidents

Imprima estos formularios, llénelos y llévelos a su cita para ahorrar tiempo en la sala de espera.

Registro e Historial Quiropráctico Información Sobre el Vehículo Accidente


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