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Runner’s Knee Treatment In Rhode Island

Are you looking for help with pain in your knee? There are numerous possible causes of knee pain, and one of the most common examples is runner’s knee. This is also called patellofemoral pain syndrome, and we understand that it can have a significant impact on your overall quality of life. You might have a difficult time taking the stairs, or you might have a hard time walking to the mailbox. We are Estner Injury Centers, and we have a tremendous amount of experience dealing with this condition. It would be our pleasure to use our resources to help you recover.

Comprehensive Approach





What Is Runner’s Knee?

Runner's knee is a term used to describe discomfort that develops when you run, jump, sit for an extended amount of time, or squat. It is common in people who play sports that involve a lot of running and jumping.

There are several common causes of this condition. They include:

  • If you play a lot of sports that involve running or jumping, it can put significant stress on your knee joints, causing this condition.
  • If you have a severe muscle imbalance in your leg, you may put an undue amount of stress on certain parts of the joint, leading to pain.
  • If you have suffered a serious injury, such as a broken kneecap, you may be more likely to develop this condition.

No matter what the cause might be, the team from Estner Injury Centers is here to help you. 

What Are the Symptoms of Runner’s Knee?

The exact symptoms of runner's knee can vary depending on the severity of the condition. Some of the most common symptoms include:

  • You may feel discomfort that gets worse when you try to walk up or down the stairs.
  • You might have a difficult time kneeling or squatting.
  • If you sit with your knee bent for a long time, you may have to straighten out your leg to prevent your knee from getting sore.

At Estner Injury Centers, it would be our pleasure to help you recover from this condition. 

How Can a Chiropractor From Estner Injury Centers Help You Recover?

There are several ways a chiropractor from our team can help you recover. First, we will take a look at the muscles, ligaments, and bones of the knee to make sure they are in proper alignment. We can use manual therapy to adjust them if necessary.

Then, we can work with you to improve your strength and flexibility. Flexibility is important because it will alleviate stress on the knee. We can also use corrective exercises to strengthen muscles around the knee, particularly if there is a muscle imbalance that has contributed to this condition. 

Call Estner Injury Centers Today To Make an Appointment

At Estner Injury Centers, we always put the needs of our patients ahead of our own, and it would be our pleasure to do the same for you. You do not need to deal with knee pain on your own, and we have a variety of treatment options that we can use to help you. We will work with you closely, customizing our treatment plan to meet your needs. Contact us today to schedule an appointment with a member of our team, and let us help you recover from runner’s knee. 

Patient Forms

Print these forms, fill them out and bring them to your appointment to save time in the waiting room.

Basic Health History Work Related Injuries Car Accidents

Imprima estos formularios, llénelos y llévelos a su cita para ahorrar tiempo en la sala de espera.

Registro e Historial Quiropráctico Información Sobre el Vehículo Accidente


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