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Bulging Discs Treatment In Rhode Island

Your back and spine are responsible for supporting the rest of your body. Therefore, if you have issues involving the discs in your back, it can lead to significant issues. We are Estner Injury Centers, and we provide you with access to a chiropractor in Rhode Island. There are lots of reasons why you might be experiencing back pain, and one potential issue could be a bulging disc.

A lot of people believe they require surgery, but that is not always the case. Allow us to do a comprehensive evaluation, and rely on our team to develop a comprehensive treatment plan to help you recover.

Comprehensive Approach





What Is a Bulging Disc?

A bulging disc takes place when one of the discs that typically cushion your vertebrae protrudes into the spinal canal. The most common location for this to happen is between L3 and L4 or between L4 and L5, but it can happen just about anywhere.

When you have a disc that protrudes into the spinal canal, it irritates the nerves of the spinal cord. As a result, you could experience motor or sensory dysfunction, making it difficult for you to complete your activities of daily living. 

What Are the Signs and Symptoms?

The exact nature of the symptoms will depend on the location and severity of the bulging disc. For example, a disc that is bulging in the cervical region will produce different symptoms when compared to a disc in the lumbar region. 

Some of the most common symptoms that you might experience include:

  • You might notice that you have severe pain in the back.
  • You might notice shooting or stabbing pains traveling from your back down one of your legs.
  • You could feel a sense of numbness or weakness in one or more of your limbs.
  • You might notice that the discomfort in your back changes with position. 
  • If you experience any of these symptoms, you should reach out to us for a comprehensive evaluation. That way, we can figure out where your symptoms are coming from and develop a plan for recovery. 

How Can a Chiropractor Help You?

If we diagnose you with a bulging disc, there are several treatment options we may have available. First, we might use adjustments to make sure your vertebrae are properly aligned. We might be able to perform an adjustment to alleviate stress on certain parts of your back, helping you recover.

Then, we might also use traction therapy to increase the space between some of your vertebrae. We can take the pressure off of your bulging discs, which could help you alleviate your symptoms. 

Finally, we may also recommend physical therapy to strengthen the muscles around your spinal column. If we can strengthen your muscles, we can provide more support for your vertebrae, reducing the chances of a bulging disc developing in the future. 

Call Estner Injury Centers To Make an Appointment With a Chiropractor

Even though you may assume you need surgery for a bulging disc in Rhode Island, that is not always necessary. We are Estner Injury Centers, and a chiropractor from our team can take a look at your back, assess the severity of the issue, and present you with your treatment options. Give us a call today to schedule an appointment, and let us help you recover. 

Patient Forms

Print these forms, fill them out and bring them to your appointment to save time in the waiting room.

Basic Health History Work Related Injuries Car Accidents

Imprima estos formularios, llénelos y llévelos a su cita para ahorrar tiempo en la sala de espera.

Registro e Historial Quiropráctico Información Sobre el Vehículo Accidente


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