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Tinnitus Services In Rhode Island

Do you hear ringing in your ears? Are you looking for a way to address this issue? If so, a chiropractor can help you. We are Estner Injury Centers, and we provide comprehensive tinnitus services in Rhode Island. We understand that it can be frustrating if you hear recurrent ringing in your ears, and there are countless people who live with tinnitus every day. Fortunately, this is not an issue that you need to deal with on your own. Learn more about how a chiropractor can help you address this issue, and give us a call to schedule an appointment with our office.

Comprehensive Approach





What Is Tinnitus?

Tinnitus refers to a loud ringing in your ears. Even if there is no noise in the room, you may still notice a ringing sound in your ears. Of course, the loudness of this ringing can vary significantly depending on the situation, but tinnitus takes place when the inner ear perceives a ringing noise that might not be there. A significant portion of the population in the United States suffers from tinnitus, and it can sometimes indicate an underlying health issue. That is why it is important to rely on a professional who can help you. 

What Are the Main Causes of Tinnitus?

There are plenty of reasons why you might have tinnitus. Some of the most common examples of potential causes include:

  • If you have been repeatedly exposed to loud noises, such as jet engines, you might develop tinnitus.
  • If you have an issue with the temporomandibular joint, usually shortened to TMJ, it could be a sign that you are suffering from tinnitus.
  • Some forms of tinnitus can be due to age-related hearing loss, also known as presbycusis.
  • You might have suffered a head or neck injury in a motor vehicle accident that has led to tinnitus.

Regardless of the potential cause, it is critical to rely on a chiropractor who can help you.

How Can a Chiropractor Help You?

There are some situations where tinnitus can stem from a misalignment involving the vertebrae in the cervical spine. If the vertebrae are not in their proper alignment, nerve centers around the inner ear may start to malfunction. This could lead to tinnitus. Therefore, a chiropractor can use manual therapy to make sure the vertebrae in the cervical spine are properly aligned. Using small adjustments, it is possible to ensure the nerves in the inner ear, brain, and spine communicate appropriately, which could be enough to address tinnitus and improve your quality of life. Allow our team to customize a treatment plan to meet your needs. 

Call Estner Injury Centers To Make an Appointment for Tinnitus Services in Rhode Island

If you have tinnitus, we understand that it can have a significant impact on your quality of life. At Estner Injury Centers, we have plenty of treatment options available, and we will customize our treatment plan to meet your needs. We will always start by taking a complete history and performing a full physical exam. Then, we will let you know what we find, reviewing the treatment plan with you. Finally, we will walk with you through the recovery process, making changes to the treatment plan as necessary. Contact us today to schedule an appointment with our team. 

Patient Forms

Print these forms, fill them out and bring them to your appointment to save time in the waiting room.

Basic Health History Work Related Injuries Car Accidents

Imprima estos formularios, llénelos y llévelos a su cita para ahorrar tiempo en la sala de espera.

Registro e Historial Quiropráctico Información Sobre el Vehículo Accidente


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