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If you are pregnant, you must focus on your health and the health of your unborn child. We are Estner Injury Centers, and we provide a variety of chiropractic services for pregnant women. If you have been diagnosed with a breech pregnancy in Rhode Island, we can help you maneuver your unborn child with a variety of chiropractic techniques. We may be able to help you properly position your baby for the upcoming labor and delivery. Before signing up for a surgical procedure, consider reaching out to our team to learn about your options.
There are a lot of moving parts to have to come together for a successful pregnancy. This includes the delivery of the baby. When babies are delivered, it is important for them to come out head first. That way, the baby can start breathing as quickly as possible and the head will not get tangled in the blood vessels associated with the delivery.
Unfortunately, there are some situations where the head might not come out first. That is exactly what happens in a region in a breech position, either the buttocks or the feet present first. This can lead to a variety of complications that have to be addressed.
There are several reasons why a breach position pregnancy can be considered dangerous. First, if the baby does not present properly, the baby may not fit through the pelvic canal. This can create a medical emergency, so it is important to ensure that the baby presents properly. Otherwise, this could result in an emergency C-section.
In addition, if the feet come out first, the baby can get wrapped by the blood vessels. If the blood vessels are compressed, the baby might be unable to access the oxygen due to a lack of blood flow. Or, the baby could get strangled by the vessels. Making it hard to breathe.
A breech position pregnancy is typically diagnosed using an ultrasound. During a pregnancy, babies move around a lot, but they should be properly aligned by week 34. If a breech position pregnancy is diagnosed after this time, there are a few ways that a chiropractor can help you.
While there are a few treatment techniques involved, a chiropractor will focus on using manual therapy to address any positioning issues. Specifically, a chiropractor can use the Webster Technique. This technique focuses on making sure the pelvis is properly aligned. It can also release some of the soft tissues that might otherwise restrict the flexibility of the pelvis and movement of the fetus. Then, a chiropractor can review exercises and techniques to protect the health of both mom and baby to streamline the rest of the pregnancy.
At Estner Injury Centers, nothing is more important to us than the health of our patients. If you have been told that you have a breech position pregnancy, we can use manual therapy to help you. We will provide you with the comprehensive, compassionate care you deserve. We will be with you every step of the way, so contact us today to make an appointment with our office. We would be honored to help you.
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We offer a variety of complimentary therapies administered by the best trained professionals in the field.
Estner Injury Centers was founded in 2001 and since then, we’ve expanded to four locations throughout Rhode Island. We treat many sources of pain and offer a suite of therapies to help our patients accelerate recovery.
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